

Why does BANGTAN seem to have so many names?

  • Hangul : 방탄소년단
  • Romanize : Bang Tan Son Yeon Dan 
  • English translation : Bulletproof Boy Scouts
  • Romanized short version : Bangtan 
  • Abbreviated : B.T.S.

It’s kind of like how 소녀시대 = So Nyeo Shi Dae = Girls’ Generation = Soshi  = SNSD. All are acceptable, it just depends on what you prefer.


1. Rap Monster real name is    Kim Nam Joon

2. Rap Monster Favorite Number is 1

3. Birthday is 12 September 1994.

4.  Hometown is Seoul, Ilsan.

5. Family is Dad, Mom, Younger Sister.

6. Favourite color is Black.

7. Favourite food is Meat, korean knife noodles.

8. Favourite item is Clothes, computer, books.

9. In 5 year of primary school Rap Monster dreamed about being a security guard in an apartment.

10. Rapmon is really good in study.

- Rap Monster,  “When I was in the middle school I was an honor student, and I also the type of person who wanted to be class president but I got into the company and my life as a trainee started. So I just went to school to sleep (laughs). Before entering the company I also had a result to be able the enter the 1st of the top of the nation, but after, I fell to 2nd~3rd.”

11. Rap Monster read lots of books and all sorts of writings while writing rap lyrics to increase his vocabulary.

12. Rap Monster other nickname was ‘Dance Prodigy’. He was so bad at dancing so his dance teacher and the company staff called him that.

13. Rap Mon Blood Type is A

14. Rap Mon role model is Kanye West and A$AP Rocky.

15. Rap Monster always destroy his stuff and Suga will always fix it.

16. Rap Monster’s Nicknames is RapMon (shortened!), Leader Mon (because he is the leader), and God of Destruction.

17. Rap Monster, “If I’m fire, J-Hope is water. he’s good at ‘turning off’ my bad habits. He’s really sociable so he’s good at mixing with others and our group members.”

18. In 2008, Rap Mon was briefly a part of a different crew (not DaeNamHyup but with Zico ‘Block B’). They were
kind of like the rising stars of the hip-hop community at that time. They were friendly with each other and at his suggestion, produced a song together. As that song disappeared in the community, he slowly forgot about it as well.  So he wondering how it came back up. That song seems to be a hot topic amongst BTS’s fans so he quite surprised. Rap Mon thought it was really cool. (laughs) Because that means somebody had been keeping that song.

19. All member said Rap Monster like their Gransfather.

20. Rap Monster wrote the lyrics of ‘No More Dream’ because he had no dreams when he was in school.

21. Rap Monster and Jung Hunchul (ex member of Bangtan) wrote a Brave Brother/YG diss track called ‘Hook’.

22. Rap Monster study in New Zealand before.

23. He likes clear weather.

24. He support about Gay/Lesbian.

25. He has composed/produced 100+ songs.

26. Rap Monster has been started to write lyrics when he was in school on his textbook.

27. He choose J-Hope for dating if he was a girl, because J-Hope is like the mother in the dorm.

28. Rap Monster ideal type is someone with good voice, tall, has pale skin, feminine Girl, looks good in a white T-Shirt, jeans and a pretty girl who wears a high top sneakers and has her ankle line showing (Red Converse). [Behind The Show 140928]

- Rap Monster, “There’s this shoes that has a star on it, it’s a famous brand. From that brand there’s a high top shoe and when the line of the ankle show while wearing that shoe. It’s very erotic and i like it. The shoes also has to be red! Black is fine too but it has to be red!”

29. Suga, “On the stage, Rap Mon wears sunglasess and has a powerful image but actually he likes cute things. He keeps the ‘Pocket Monster Ball’ on his bed that he received at a fansign.”

30. He has a habit always singing loudly at night in the dorm. So he never thought that it’d affect the members. He realized that after a while but the members never said anything. It probably because he is the leader and the first member in the dorm.

31. Rap Mon, “If i ever have a girlfriend who isn’t an Idol, i want to write a song about apologizes for being an idol. I would like make her to know that i’m much better than her think.”

32. Q) Rap Mon is this kind of person?

- Jin, “The Baby Dinosaur Dolly. He shakes his tail an crushes things.”

- Jimin, ” In the fact, he gets hurt easily.”

33.  Rapmon first active in hip-hop world underground which called Runch Randa.

34. An artist or song that has influenced Rap Mon is Epik High, Eminem, Kanye West, NAS, Dynamic Duo.

35. Rap Mon Motto —> “This is also going to past.”

36. Rap Mon express BTS color is Grey.

37. Rap Mon write a diary, look back, and organize it everyday.

38. Rap Mon, “Since i decided not to cry on our debut showcase or on the first broadcasts, the day of the debut showcase, in the afternoon, the team member who grew up and developed with were crying. So in the end i was lured and my tears fell. So i panicked!”

39. Q) When you are in trouble/worried who do talk to?

- Rap Mon, “Suga-Hyung. We’ve been living together for 3 years so we’re close and there are also lots of times when he has helped me. When it comes to the younger ones it’s Jimin.”

40. Rap Mon wants to make a song together and sing it when he had a lover. He wants to marry the person who truly loves him and who he loves.

41. Rap Mon 2014 resolution, “I wrote about the song that i want to write and make. When it comes to the songs, i want to make songs with R&B melody instead of ballads. Also, i don’t want to just rap. I also want to sing!”

42. Rapmon, “In 2011 I made a song by myself and at the very end of the song, there was a part when I had to yell out ‘Rap Monster’. I don’t know if that part was memorable or not but the company staff started calling me that and it eventually became my name.”

43. Rapmon said Rapping was an escape from his stress. He received from studying. He used to study extremely hard. Truthfully, this connects with the lyrics of “No More Dream” – when he was studying, he had no dreams. He had a possible path because he was good at studying. He didn’t specifically have something that he wanted to do. So while promoting as Bangtan, he sending his past self a message.

44. Rapmon like to go to the cafe looking for inspiration and like web browsing.

45. He usually rolling back shoulders, warming up his throat before No More Dreams.

46. He wants to be a rich Rapper in 10 years.

47. Q) If you had a compare Rap Monster to non human, what would they be?

- Jungkook, “Tibetan Fox”

- Jimin, “A Lion that even if you catch it, it breaks everything and escapes again.”

- Suga, “A Monster.”

- V, “Soccer Player. I think the leader Rap Monster-hyung looks like a fox. I think it’s because of his eyes and his thin lips. Also, onstage he has a really cool aura but when we are in the dorm, he’s a little bit timid and he also worries a lot, a bit fox-like. “

- J-Hope, “A Rock.”

48. Rap Monster, “Strangely, everything i touch breaks. The legs of my sunglasses snap off, or the refrigerator handle falls off.”

49. His image before debut is a neat and quiet student.

- Rap Monster, “I was very noisy and crazy kid. If i was with friends or teacher, i’d act out even more. I was the class clown.” -Mnet Jjjang #63-

50. Rap Monster favourite song when karaoke is Supreme Team ‘Ddaeng Daeng Daeng’ but he always failed to sing it. (Rookie Channel).

51. In the dorm, Rap Monster in charge of sweeps the floor.

52. Rap Monster  Favorite Song in 2nd mini album Skool Luv Affair is 어디에서 왔는지 (Where You Did Come From)

53. Rap Monster, “I heard that the Japanese fans were mostly quiet, but I was shocked seeing how passionate they were. And while I was talking they listened well quietly, and I thought they had really good manners~!”

54. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Simulation Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

- Rap Mon, “Although we doing a lot of concept today, Cafe, Street Dancer, Rock band…… But i like wearing a suit the most among of them.”

55. Q) Do you have any expression that hard to try to shoot? Please explain it. [Kstar Wonderland]

- Rap Mon, “I was practice the right expression a lot. Angry expression such as severe expression, it was little bit difficult.”

56. Rap Monster Ideal Date —> “It’s like the ordinary college student date. We can see a movie together, eating together, walking together. I want to have love like that. It’s because i can’t at all. (Laugh)”

57. BTS had their version of ‘Harlem Shake’ dance video.. And RapMon expression just like a Psycho Man!

58. All members of BTS got disappointed bcoz Rap Mon won playing scissor-paper-stone for taking group picture on Twitter because they must lifted Rap Mon who has heaviest weight than the others.

59. Rap Mon said that he and GOT7 Jackson are good friends, and said Jackson is very handsome and really good at dancing. Then he said that Jackson is very social, and one time he went up to BTS’s stylist and told her, “I’m close with Rap Mon.” And offered her chocolate. [Park Seo Hyun 'Love Game' Radio]

60. Rap Mon that popular for being good in study does regret when he can’t study with his friend’s (Kiss The Radio)(Yes)

61. Rap Mon study in Enginerring Department before debut.

62. Rap Mon Have  a dog and the dog name RAP MON .

63. Rap Mon Favorite Girl artist is Younha because he thinks she have deep voice and he’s like all the song from Younha. [Park Seo Hyun 'Love Game' Radio]

64. Rap Monster being a man who his wish will be fulfilled  for ‘One Day Show Champion Mission’. And he hope V also will be Invisible. But he think nothing fulfilled even though he asked for something. -Show Champion 140416-

65. If get a day off, Rap Monster, J-Hope, and Suga want to go to vacation. -MCD Backstage 140425-

64. Rap Monster never wants to be unit group with Jimin.But he’d probably with Jungkook. He think the Leader and the youngest would make a unique combination and they will just like a star -Mnet Jjjang #63-

65. Rap Mon wants to wear Zombie Costume for Halloween Concept. He said he wants to be a real Monster.

66. “Rap is not like singing, you don’t progress doing some kind of professional education; you’ve to express yourself. I did my best because I wanted to get better at it. The way my voice comes out, loudly, coolly, I’m aware of that”. -Rap Mon at Hananko Magazine-

67. Other members choose Rap Monster as a tough guy, but he said that’s all just concept by other members and he think he don’t have that image. -MTV The Show-

68. Suga said V and Rap Monster are the twins mountain, because they eat really loves eats, they eat the most.

69. Jimin imagined When God Made Rap Monster?

 - Jimin, “First, i’ll add some height to this kid, a men strength, burning, adding the Power of Destruction too! Aperson who has to be good at talking, Giving him active lips. The final thing, he just has to be good looking!”

70. Rap Monster’s important things is Gadget and Wallet.

71. Jimin’s first impression about Rap Monster, “When i first got into the dorm and i saw Rap Monster. I thought, ‘Wow! He’s really a Star!’. But not anymore.” -Mnet Jjang #63-

72. Rap Monster, “If I could go about easily, I’d wear a hood, and while listening to music, go to places like Gyeongbok Palace and Gwanghwamun.”

73. Rap Monster wants his friendship with his two friends from kindergarten is never change.

74. About 7th place in looks rank, Jimin think it was Rap Monster, but Jimin felt that recently, Rap Monster become handsome.

75. Rap Mon said that they’re always stressed while performing at music shows because their songs get cut in different places.

76. V was getting private Japanese Language lessons with Rap Monster. Rap Monster proved his 1% ranking with his study methods. To study Japanese, Rap Monster would write down vocabulary words he didn’t know on memos in his cell phone or in notebooks.

77. Rap monster doesn’t like Tight Pants.

78. For Rap Monster, music is cheers him up.

79. Someone Message, “Rap Mon, take a shower!”. And he said will kill J-Hope if J-Hope who wrote the message. [BTS FESTA RADIO]

80. Dance Teacher Message,  “To Rapmon. Rap Mon the best. You are the best leader. Just want u to be able control yourself when nature calls. Please go to the toilet before rehearsal.” [BTS FESTA RADIO]

81. J-Hope loves scold Rap mon about neat and clean.

82. Rap Mon forget about eveything stuff that his borrowed.

- Jungkook, “Sometimes Rap Mon very clumsy. He forgets and breaks. It’s actually more than he says about them on the shows or interview. Actually he takes other people stuffs! He loses his things, he eats others people food without telling them. One day, i was looking for my ipad charger but couldn’t find it. So i had to look everywhere. Finally i went to Rap Mon’s desk and of course i found it. So, i brought it back to my place and put my name on it. On the next day, it was gone again. Yes, it was Rap Monster’s place again. I brought it back again and sneaked a look at it pretending that i was sleeping.  Rap Mon came into my room and used my charger for his phone with no hesitation.” [BTS FESTA RADIO]

- V, “One day, Rap Mon lost his earphones. So he asked me if he could borrow mine for a day. I had only one pair of them but i lent it to him for a day. Actually it was 2 months later. Actually i asked him about my earphones before then. It was a week after he borrowed my earphones.But he said he don’t know where’s the earphones. He told me that he was going to look it up. But after a month.. After a Month, when i asked him again, he said he couldn’t find it and he will buy me one. So i said ‘It’s okay, i have another pair’. However, two months later i found out Rap Mon was using my earphones that i lent him before.” [BTS FESTA RADIO]

83. About Rap Mon memorable incidents during the music video shoot Danger. [Arirang Pops In Seoul Ep 2724]
- Rap Monster, “I’m notorious for having a negative influence on everything and destroying everything in our house.There was a scene where i was getting a tattoo, and there was a light bulb on the set. It was fine before i got there, nut as soon as i went on the set, the filament broke and the light went out.That caused a delay in shoot and i felt bad.”

84. Rap Monster got mission in ‘MNET America GO!BTS‘ to make Eric said, ‘You are a good dancer and look so handsome today.” to him. In the end he successed the mission.

85. Rap Monster is the number one member who can make a weird expression in the camera. When he did it, all members and MC’s After School Club (Eric and Jimin) were laugh out loud. So Suga push and ask him to stoped because Suga got embarrassed.

86. Jungkook About Rap Monster wrote ‘Can you Turn Off your Phone’ lyrics song in Dark and Wild Album. [Arirang Pops In Seoul Ep 2724]
- Jungkook, “Rap Monster and i were trying to come up with new lyrics, but couldn’t. So, we decided to call it a night. Rap Monster woke me up in the middle of the night because he came up with the idea for the lyrics. When he heard the locking and messaging sounds while fiddling with his smartphone. He said that we should record it right away,and that’s how we came up with the lyrics.”

87. Rap monster, “Looking back at my audition, i was pretty critical, then. I was going through a period of rebelling. I wouldn’t forgive the world with my resisting spirit, then. Now i know how to compromise (He gets to listen to the world). I become more flexible.” [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

88. Rap Monster about memories from his trainee period. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

- Rap Monster, “I can think of many nice memories. Though i remember the days my fellow trainees left. I was the first one to enter the residence (among BTS members). And the first member of BTS. I had to watch the other trainees leave (feeling joy and sorrow mixed). I had so many thoughts about this. I was sorry for them. Though they were my competitors. I didn’t know wheteher i should be happy or sad. I had complex and mingled feelings.”

89. Rap Monster, “Before becoming a singer, i wanted my future to be decided. I’ve felt that my life in the residence was too indefinite. I hoped it would end somehow. Become a singer or not. I always wanted a firm conclusion.” [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

90. Rap Monster’s dream is to earn some reputation for BTS.

After debut, do you still have any wishes? [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

- Rap Monster, “BTS becoming aware. Whether people like us or not we need to make them listen to our music. That was desperate for me.”

91. Happiness for Rap Monster is doing what he wants, living as himself, becoming himself. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

93. Name 3 requirements for Rap Monster happiness is Health, Dream, and Love. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]


1. Suga real name is  Min Yoongi

2. Suga Favorite number is 3

3. Suga’s Birthday is 9 March 1993

4. Suga Blood Type is O

5. His hometown is Daegu.

6. Suga loves Taking Photo

7. Suga Favorite Color is White

8. Suga Family is Dad, Mom and  Older Brother.

9. Suga decided to pursue a career in music after hearing Stony Skunk ‘Ragga Muffin’ in 6th grade

10. Suga is Father of BTS because he’s charge of fixing the things that Rap Monster breaks. He change the lightbulbs, fix the toilet, or re-attach doorknobs. He doing a lot of that kind of stuff in dorm. ( Look a like father job in house)

11. Suga really like to have a cooking battle

12.  Suga role is to nag or scold the younger members when they make a mistake. It’s because he is the only member in the group who can speak harshly. He has an honest and blunt personality so if he feel that something isn’t right, he always speak up about it.

13. Suga is terrible with English

14. Suga thinks that his legs are nice

15. Suga’s other nicknames is Motionless Min because when he has free days, he doesn’t do anything and Mr. Appendix bacause he had appendicticus surgery in last year 2013 (December).

16. Suga choose to rap after listening ‘Fly’ Epik High’s song.

17. Suga Have Licensed to drive a car

18. Suga loves Basketball.  When he was in school, he won basketball games quite a few times, and when he was a trainee, he played basketball every Sunday. He was scouted for a team with some college students at the Han River, but since he debuted, he didn’t have time. His position was usually point guard or shooting guard. He’s quick on his feet, and he’s better at defense than offense.

19. He doesn’t like sweat and tired.

20. Suga Love Weish Corgi (Dog).

21. Suga was named by the CEO because he is pale and his smile is sweet ( suga look liked sugar ^^~ sweet)

Suga, “I got name Suga is bcoz my skin is pale, I’m pretty when I smile, and because I’m sweet.(laughs) I choose this name because I want to promote sweetly.”

22. Suga’s most stressed  usually from midnight to 6AM, and he doesn’t dislike it. He doesn’t really like places with lots of people or noise.

23. Suga like a weather where you can wear short sleeves at day and long sleeves at night.

24. On twitter, he use ‘슙슙’ and ‘응캬캬’ (laughing saound), and  ㅠ.ㅠ frequently. He write like that just for his fans. And also says, “Annyeonghaseyo Suga daeyo” at the first.

25. Suga real personality isn’t aegyo like that and actually quite straightforward.

26. All member said Suga fits to be the member who  liking younger girl.

27. Suga better like compose musics and sleep than doing physic exercise.

28. His hobbies is reading comics and playing games, Basketball, taking pictures.

29. He win 2nd place in Big Hit Audition.

30.  Q) If you had a compare Suga to non human, what would they be?

- Jungkook, “Turtle.”

- Jimin, “Lion Trainer.”

- V, “Baseball player’s 3rd batter/hitter.”

- J-Hope, “Candy.”

31. Suga wants to be Firefighter, Basketball Player, and Musician when he was younger.

32. Suga’s motto —> “Let’s live with having fun. Doing music as your hobby and doing it as work it different.

33. Suga express BTS color us Gold. He think, since gold can be worn in ring and neclaces, so everyone can combine it with his own color. Meaning that he want to become a group that can change freely.

34. In BTS Rookie Channel, Suga make shocking confess that he take Jungkook’s black underware without permission and he didn’t gave it back because the underware had holes in it. Suga did it because he wants to dominated Jungkook. And Suga said next time he will definetly steal Jungkook underware and wear it again.

35. Everyday Suga writng song/compose. He write lyrics even when he is in the waiting room or the car and toilet.

36. Suga feel sad if he couldn’t see his family when her parents come to Seoul but he was busy.

37. When Suga had trouble or feel some worried, he will talk to Rap Monster because their ages are similar and also have a lot of things in common, so they talk a lot about music and life.

38. When he had a lover, Suga wants to make her listen to the songs he writes.

39. Suga’s resolution in 2014 is he hope he don’t get sick.

40. His favourite Food is Meat, Meat, and Meat.

41. His habbit is making rhymes in everyday situation (mood maker), over doing gags (jokes), writing lyrics, thinking about what kind of twitter post, speaking in Satoori when he is nervous.

42. Favourite Item is Camera, Electronics, and Accessories.

43. Suga Ideal Type is a girl who likes music especially Hip Hop and a girl who carries fancy headphones. [Behind The Show 140928]
- Suga, “For me, it’s not clothes but mine is a little odd.A Hi-Fi (High Fidelity) headphone. A headphone that has high fidelity. Kind of like when you see people carry around expensive electronic devices. When i see a girl with that kind of headphone, like, she attracts me.”

44. His role model is Kanye West, Lupe Fiasco, Lil Wayne, Hit Boy.

45. In 10 years, Suga wants dominating the world with his music.

46. Suga wrote the song ‘촣아요’ (Like It) under 40 minutes.

47. Suga really like teasing his dongsaeng.

48. Suga favourite song when karaoke is Kangjin ‘Ddaengbul’ because he think that song makes up the mood.

49. His image before debut is he started music in 6th grade. In middle school he learned classical composition and started writng songs daily after that.

50. He thinks, he is closer straightforward Gyeongsangdo guy than sweet. But in front of fans, he is a sweet guy.

51. For him, his charm is his eye smile.

52. How he deal with stress is write lyrics crazily. And also relieving his stress with music.

53. When he was angry, Suga likes listening Rick Ross ‘Hold Me Back’.

54. He wants to steal the thing that you can’t buy with money; Jungkook age.

55. Suga, “If i go back to being 17 years old like maknae Jungkook, i want study. I want to be a good son who doesn’t rebel against what his parents tell him.”

56. V said the number one who like cook is Suga because he knows how to make really good Kimchi fried rice.

57. Suga became a producer in 2 songs (Jump and Tommorow ) on 2nd Mini Album Skool Luv Affair

58. Suga Favorite Song in 2nd mini album Skool Luv Affair is Tommorow because he wrote a beat and melody for this song.

59. Suga wrote Jump and Tommorow songs when he was trainee.

60. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Simulation Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

- Suga, “I like a suit the most. Why?  Because it’s all back to look good as usual. In the fact, because it was suit for the second time in my life, it’s really fun.”

61. Q) Do you have any expression that hard to try to shoot? Please explain it. [Kstar Wonderland]

- Suga, “Personally, blown kiss and troubled expression are difficult. Since i have a confident smile, i feel like i was be able expression it quickly.”

62. Suga Ideal Date —> “For me, just an ordinary date…… I want to watch movie, walking and would like to eat together.”

63. Q : Who Do You Think is the Most Handsome in BTS  (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014])

Suga :  (raised the hand up and shout out he’s real name Min Yoongi)

64. Q : Who Do you Think is The Best Real Man in BTS (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014)

Suga : (raised the hand up and shout out Min Suga)

65 , Q : Which member doesn’t listen to the Manager ? (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014)

Suga : ( he’s again raised the hand up and shout out Min Suga.)

66. Q :  Who’s the King of Bluffing in BTS ? (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014)

Suga :  (he’s again raised the hand up and shout out Min Suga)

67. Rap Monster, ” Suga Sleeping is well”  (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014)

- Suga, “SWAG”

68. Rap Monster, “He is little Run down” (BTS 60s Interview Feb 2014)

- Suga, “SWAG”

69. Suga said Taking lesson with soul and hip hop swag

70. Suga does’t listen to the Manager to eat or get up because he considered it disruption.

71. Suga didn’t think he involved the most in this album.

72.  “Leave the talk to Rap Monster and the kinds (laughs). I think that my role is taking care of the kids.” -Suga at Hanako Magazine-

73. Suga choose himself secretly as a tough guy but he not admit it. He said, “I never said my own name.” -MTV The Show-

74. J-Hope imagined When God Made Suga?

- J-Hope, “Emm.. Indeed for Suga it’s cool rap, lyrics writing, composing, plenty plenty! Suga’s sugary sweetness, we can’t leave that out. If i add a bit of cuteness and aegyo as well. Reversal of charm? Good Good More More! Eung? What it is? FATIGUE!”

75. Jungkook and Suga sharing underware often. At Mnet JJang #63, when Suga said he got a lot more underware present from fans, but he realized his underware was disappear. And at the moment, Jungkook admit that he wearing them. (I think Jungkook was revenge).

76. Suga being a best pretty boy  for ‘One Day Show Champion Mission’. But he think the mission is too easey for him because the mission is like his daily life. -Show Champion 140416-

77. All member of BTS choose Suga as the sweet member the most at Fandom School Interview.

78. Suga and J-Hope are really bad in drawing.

79. If get a day off, Rap Monster, J-Hope, and Suga want to go to vacation. -MCD Backstage 140425-

80. All member of BTS choose Suga as the the member who his aegyo has improved at Ize Magazine.

81. Suga said, “I really didn’t want to wear the maid outfit, so I was surprised. I can’t understand why fans want to see that. We don’t really have any interest in seeing girls wear boys’ clothes, so why do they like seeing us wear girls’ clothes?”

82. Suga, “I’m not really the type to buy and wear expensive clothes, but i am careful with the accessories to pick. Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, I like them all. Recently, i’ve been collecting basketball shoes that i’ve liked since elemantary school.”

83. Suga’s favorite moments in his daily life are when he’s working alone.

84. Q : If you had to live on a deserted island for 3 years, which member would you want to bring? (IZE MAGAZINE)

- Suga, “Jimin. To boss around. (LOL) Just kidding. I don’t talk a lot, I’m not the fun type, but Jimin is pleasant and mature, so I think it’d work out.”

85. Q : If you could sum up in one word your attitude towards life, what would it be? (IZE MAGAZINE)

- Suga,  “I don’t give a shit.” (His Motto)

86. Suga loves sleep. He said sleep is cheers him up.

87. When Suga was younger, he wants to be an Architect

88. Goal to BTS, “No.1″

89. Words to BTS, “We’ll do better and nothing would be impossible for us. Let’s work hard together and good luck to us ~!”

90. Suga bad in japanesse language. J-Hope wrote “Hwaitto (Hwaitting)” in japanesse words but suga can’t understand it. (BTS Episode 1st Anniversary).

91. Suga greeting, “Hi.” (Profile written by Suga)

92. Charge in Rap

93. Favourite Nickname is Min PD. (Profile written by Suga)

94. Body size : 176 cm, 58 kg. (Profile written by Suga)

95. Specialty : Rap, writing, composing, and arranging songs. (Profile written by Suga)

96. Habits : Biting his nails. (Profile written by Suga)

97. Charm point : “Is there something like that to me… (sob sob)” (Profile written by Suga)

98. Things he like (3 things) : Sleeping, quiet places, places with no people. (Profile written by Suga)

99. Things he dislike (3 things) : Dancing, loud places, places where there are people crowding around. (Profile written by Suga)

100. His biggest recent interest : Basketball shoes, music equipment, camera. (Profile written by Suga)

101. The member who’s most similar to him : No one. (Profile written by Suga)

102. His the best at at least this : Lazing around. (Profile written by Suga)

101. He will at least try to put an effort in this : Music. (Profile written by Suga)

102. His life’s best (animation) was ‘Slam Dunk’. (Profile written by Suga)

103. A song he want to recommend to you : BTS – ‘Tomorrow’ (Profile written by Suga)

104. What he think about when he can’t sleep : Worries about the future. (Profile written by Suga)

105. His representative pictures and videos : Min Sugaaaaa~ His 60 second interview on T-Show (T/N: MTV’s The Show) (Profile written by Suga)

106. The ranking in BTS that he write : Jin = Suga > Rapmon > J-Hope > Jeongguk > V »»»»»»»»» Jimin. (Profile written by Suga)

107. He think his looks ranks (50) out of 100 : “Truthfully, when I see myself I think I’m ugly.” (Profile written by Suga)

108. The place he have the most confidence in on his body : Vocal cords. (Profile written by Suga)

109. Let’s praise myself : “You’re at least working hard in living if not anything else.” (Profile written by Suga)

110. His goal : “I’m a man who will become the king of music!!!” (Profile written by Suga)

111. Suga,  “Doesn’t linger on things, really like things I like but really dislike things that I don’t like, although I normally like lazing around I’m not lazy on things that I enjoy, I usually confront someone instead of talking about it behind their backs.”

112. His personality as viewed by other members.

- Jin, “He likes being attached to his bed. He has a variety of knowledge and always gives help with that knowledge. I’m fascinated as to where he gets that weird knowledge from.”

- J-Hope, “Is cool. His personality is quite strong on his own thoughts. Pretends not to care when he does. Seems like he’s all over the place, but is quite careful. That kind of personality. (Ah!! Personailty where he only just shows strength ㅋㅋ)”

- V, “He really has a lot of knowledge. He’s quite cool on stage. Cool and amazing. No answer to him being lethargic.”

- Jeongguk, “He’s like a grandpa. But his passion towards music is overflooding. He also has a lot of knowledge. But he’s still a grandpa.”

- Rap Monster, “Lingers on things more than you would think. He’s really timid once you get to know him. Full of random information. Grandpa. Although he seems cool – never… no no… Wants to be loved. Likes music. Has passion and stubbornness. Says what he wants to and can say everything well in front. Has style.”

- Jimin, “He talks too much in front of you. He doesn’t hesitate, and although this is my personal thoughts, he likes being loved by the members ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”

113. Message to Suga by other Member and Staff. (BTS RADIO FESTA 1st Anniversary)

- Dance Teacher, “Take care of your health when you are young.”

- Jimin, “Suga, thanks for beeing so nice to me. Haha, i’ll beat you one day. I’m gathering the team for it already.Wait for it. You, the most stylish guy in Bangtan.”

- Bang shihyuk, “To Suga, Rebel, old young, genious. Because of you BTS can be BTS. Thanks for your talent and keep it that way. I wish you could be an awsome artist. When you write the title song?”

114. Suga curious about V next color.

115. About Pre-debut [BTS FESTA RADIO]

- Suga thinks himself very cold, realistic and very smart. He stresses that all the time. When BTS talking about fashion, he always claims that he doesn’t buy anything too expensive and nagging about other members fashion. He’s very self assertive. Suga said being natural is the most important thing to be stylish wherever they are. But in the fact, he looks so obvious that he’s the one who’s trying hardest amongst BTS members.

116. Suga like says, “Ow, maaaaan..”

117. Yul Hee ‘LABOUM’ is huge fan of Suga.

118. Suga produced ‘Let Me Know’ song in Dark and Wild Album and be his favourite song in this album.

119. Suga doesn’t like to meet people and usually lying down at home.

Which member changes completely when he’s not on stage? (All member choose Suga). [Arirang Pops in Seoul Ep.2724]
- Suga, “Actually i’m very different when i’m in front of the cameras or on stage. When i’m not working, i’m usually lying down at home or inside the studio.I don’t like to move or go out.So, i don’t even like to meet people.”
- V, “He needs a chair when he’s taking a break.”
- Suga, “I always need one. i don’t know why but i become very energetic ehen i’m on the stage though.I’ve found that strange too,it even surprised me sometimes.”

120. Confession Camera [MNET America GO!BTS]
# Suga to J-Hope
- Suga, “I have something to confess.”
- J-Hope, “Hurry i’m very buzy.”
- Suga, “I sincerely.. I have.. I actually have nothing to apologize for..”
- J-Hope, “Ah, you are so lame.”

# Suga to himself in the miror
- Suga, “Hello there, Suga. I have something to tell you.I tortured your body preparing for this new album. You don’t have to try so hard.Fighting!”

121. Suga, “Looking back at my audition, i knew nothing, then. I thought that my music was always right and many people would like me. (Suga only had trust and enthusiasm towards music at that time). I was wrong Since then, my opinion towards music have changed a lot.”

122. Suga’s memories from his trainee period is ‘The Beautiful Scenery of Korea’ made his on the news once. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
- Suga, “It was Chuseok then. I was dining with my family when i was on the news.”

123. After debut, do you still have any wishes? [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
- Suga, “To make good music constantly. That’s all. I’m not desperate for winning in music charts. I just want to make good music.”

124. Suga’s dream as an artist is constantly working on some songs. And he goal is to release 20 tracks or 30 tracks of them at once without making little mix tapes by the end of this year (2014). [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

125. Happiness for Suga is doing what he wants to do. Eat what he wants. Hear what he wants. Sing What he wants. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

126. About Suga at the events. [Arirang Pops In Seoul Ep 2724]

- Jimin, “At our autograph events, Suga mede hearts for our fans. He just pretends he doesn’t do any cringe-worthy stuff!”
- V, “He takes action instead using words.”

127. Name 3 requirements for Suga happiness is Health, Family, and Music. He somehow don’t think he should be rich to be happy. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

1. J-Hope real name is   Jung Hoseok

2. His Birthday is 18 February 1994.

3. J-Hope Favorite Color is Green.

4. J- Hope Favorite weather is spring.

5.  J-Hope Blood Type is A.

6. J- hope Favorite Number is 7.

7. J-Hope is the type of person to approach someone without hesitation and his speaking habits are also like that.

8. J-HOPE hates exercising/working out.

9. Rap Monster, “If I’m fire, J-Hope is water. he’s good at ‘turning off’ my bad habits. He’s really sociable so he’s good at mixing with others and our group members.”

10. J-Hope sometimes nagging RapMon and he says “Okay. I won’t do that anymore.” But he never really listens. Now most of RapMon bad habits are fixed.

11. J-Hope received commissioned education in Gwangju after signing a contract with his company.

12. J-hope long face is 27 cm.

13. When Jin made seaweed soup for J-Hope and it tasted really good, it made J-Hope speechless because he think it tasted like his mom’s.

14. Before debut J-hope hate doing aegyo but now he change his mind for his fans.

15. Q) I heard that J-Hope was part of the street dance team NEURON.

J-Hope, “While promoting underground with my street dance team, I did a lot of popping. In popping, there’s another sub-genre called Boogaloos and that was the one I did the most. I got a lot of prizes and performed a lot while promoting. If Rap Monster rapped underground so I in danced.”

16. Q) The promotions you did back then must’ve helped you a lot with promoting in Bangtan.

J-Hope , “Yes. Of course, it helped a lot. We all came up with our own choreography for our dance breaks in “We Are Bulletproof Pt.2”. I’m working hard in filling the gaps that the members have in dancing.”

17. J-Hope won an underground dance battle and even performed at a festival.
V, “I can confirm this. While enrolling at Korea Arts School, there were lots of trainees coming from different districts. When I debuted with Bangtan, my friends asked me “J-Hope hyung, is he the one from that dance academy in Gwangju?” That’s how famous he was.”

18. J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook would often take lead and practice at midnight or sometimes even 1 or 2 am, practicing for two hours each time.

19. J-Hope and B.A.P Zelo went to the same Academy for rap and dance in Gwangju.

20. J-Hope is like mother in BTS because he is sometimes nag other members.

21. His ideal type is someone who loves him which is known as his fans, thoughtful, good at cooking, read a lots of book, and only loves him. He want to cool, talk and read books with her.

22.  J-Hope and B.A.P Youngjae audition together for their JYP audition.

23. J-Hope’s resolution in 2014 —> “Since we already got an award, i want to work harder and show a better of me. Since also  have activities in Japan look forward to them. I also learning Japanesse, so i already putting thoughs on working hard for our Japan activities.

24. V said J-hope as like Doraemon, because he always find the solution.

25. J-Hope is closest with Jungkook.

26. His role model is Benzino.

27. When J-Hope younger, he wants to be a singer.

28. His motto, “If you don’t work hard, there won’t be good result.”

29. J-Hope express the color of BTS is Red because they think BTS be burn hot and the red of passion.

30. Everyday J-Hope writing lyrics and like visiting the Fancafe when he has time because he need to know what are fans saying.

31. When he had trouble or worried something, he share with Rap Monster and Suga.

32. When J-hope has super power, he wants read people heart and know the truth.

33. All members said J-Hope is so friendly.

34. In Hallowen event, J-Hope wants to be a Batman.

35. Q) If you had a compare J-Hope to non human, what would they be?

Jungkook, “Deer.”

Jimin, “The 2nd Grandma.”

Suga, “A Cat.”

V, “A Deer.”

JIN, “J-Hope is like a beagle puppy. At home he’s really untidy and leaves things scattered around and he’s also clinging into people all the time.”

36. His hometown is Gwangju but it’s been 3 years since he moved to Seoul.

37. He wants Japanesse fans called him ‘Sugoi J-Hope’.

38. His nicknames is Hope, Smile Hoya,.

39. His image before debuting is a passionate child who liked dancing.

40.When he was younger he was quite famous in the Gwangju dance underground. Rapping, dancing, and singing was his life.

41. For J-Hope, Bangtan is another him.

42. A song to listen to on rainy days is Remy Shand ‘Rocksteady’.

43. When he feel strained, he looks at the sky. These days he is happy so it goes away naturally.

44. Things he wants to steal from other members is Jimin’s chocolate abs, Rap Monster’s rap skill and his good English.

45. J-Hope said about member’s secret is they have abs.

46. Someday he wants to be like Benzino, A$AP Rocky, influence his music and fashion style.

47. J-Hope likes Dynamic Duo ‘Solo’ because he had memories about that song. In the past, he had girlfriend that he like a lot, but she left him for another man. He very upset so he riding the bus and played that music. (Rookie Channel)

48. V said the one who clean up the mess is J-Hope. He cleans up after their neatly, just like a mom. And he also good at folding the laundry like a mom.

49.  J-Hope Favorite Song in 2nd mini album Skool Luv Affair is 하루만 ( Just One Day)

50. When BTS MV making Boy in Luv  in Namyangju, J-Hope collapsed in there But after going to the hospital, J-Hope recover quickly and then he came back to the MV making location soon. And Jung Kook said that J-Hope’s strength is really Amazing.

51. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Simulatin Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

J-Hope,  “All of them is not doing yet, but i like to wear a suit. Because i think masculinity will comes out, i enjoy it. (Laugh)” <J-HOPE shows off his looks and favourite suit>

52. Q) Do you have any expression that hard to try to shoot? Please explain it. [Kstar Wonderland]

J-Hope : I always doing or look over with various expressions, rather than to be difficult, i enjoy it.

53. J-Hope Ideal Date –>  “I love the sea, I would like to walk down to the beach and holding hands a girl~! (Laugh)”

54. J-Hope,  “In middle school, while I studied I also did my best learning how to dance! I received various awards with my performances and I remember that was also pretty famous between my friends~ (laughs).”

55. Q) By the way, you held a showcase in Japan for the first time, how were the Japanese fan’s reactions?

J-Hope: We did a high touch with everyone but there were lots of shy people and some couldn’t even look at us in the eye…

56 . J-Hope have a dog. and the dog name Mickey.

57. J-Hope want to get closer with Im Jeong Hee because he fans her. And he really respect with Park Ji Young.

58. Jin imagined When God Made J-Hope?

 Jin : “Add a bit of hygiene sense, we’ll make his face length a bit long. It’ll be nice if he’s a bit hopeful, so just a bit HYPERACTIVITY!”

59. Jimin’s first impression about J-Hope, “The first person i met was J-Hope. He was very friendly to me, ‘Excuse me, Jimin..’. So i remembered J-Hope the most.”

60. J-Hope being a Singer Tradisional  for ‘One Day Show Champion Mission’. -Show Champion 140416-

61. Suga and J-Hope are really bad in drawing.

62. If get a day off, Rap Monster, J-Hope, and Suga want to go to vacation. -MCD Backstage 140425-

63. J-Hope likes Melodramatic movies and he is quite sensitive.  His father likes movies, so he remembers watching a lot of DVDs since he was a kid.

64. Watching Melodrama’s really helps J-Hope for writes lyrics.

65. When he was wearing a mask all the time for No More Dream performance, he was tiring because he had to do a lot of skin care.

J-Hope, “Taking care of my skin is difficult. Recently, acne/pimple is are a particular problem for me these days. I’d try to do a lot of cleansing and choose the right products make up for my skin but there’s no effect. I want to have ‘Honey Skin.”

66. If J-Hope given time alone for a day, he wants to travel. He wouldn’t bring a camera like Suga and take a lot of pictures food, scenery, selcas with my phone.

67. J-Hope’s first time traveling overseas to Japan was after debut . Riding an airplane and eating an in-flight meal for the first time.

68. J-Hope hasn’t been to the theaters by himself. But if he gets the chance, he will go alone to watch a Melodrama.

69. J-Hope wants trying to trick Suga if he had a chance to do a hidden camera on another member.

70. J-Hope wants to do a program like ‘Infinity Challenge’, where you can talk while also using your body. He also thinks being on programs like ‘Radio Star’ and wants to appear on a program with Noh Hong Chul.

71. J-Hope said music shows are hard because they receive a lot of pressure and constantly look for the camera.

72. For J-Hope, the most important thing is a Charger.

73. Q : Close your eyes. If you could do anything, be anywhere, with anyone, what would you be doing?

- J-Hope, “Spend the day with a fan.”

74. J-Hope thinks always neat and clean, so he loves scold Rap Mon about it.

75. When BTS were dance rehearsal for ‘Boy In Luv’, after 10 hours of the rehearsal, they got home at 5 in the morning and nobody hesitated to take a shower even though they were all wrecked. But it seemed like lazy, J-Hope missed his timing to have a shower, lying down on the bed, he was enjoying his web surfing time. So Suga asked to J-Hope, “Hey, don’t you want to take shower?”. Suga just asking, but J-Hope  looked as if he got insulted or something.

J-Hope, “SUGA! You know i always take a shower! I’ll do it in 5 minutes! I can’t sleep without a shower!”
Suga, “Ugh.. Alright.. I see..”
But in the end, J-Hope fell asleep with his laptop in his bed.
76. About J-Hope’s evil side. [BTS FESTA RADIO]
- Jimin, “J-Hope is bright guy, laught a lot and has become hopeful like his name. J-Hope has good energy that effects everyone in a good way and i  think J-hope is awesome. And people think he’s always nice and innocent. But, inside his smiley face, there’s an evil living there. J-Hope winds me up all the time but never stop smiling even when he does that. But you can never punch someone who looks so happy like that. One day, i was sleeping and all of sudden he poked me and shook me saying,
‘Jiiiimiiiiiiiin, wake up and play with me!!!!’
So, i woke up. But right after i opened my eyes, he just grinned at me and went back to sleep like nothing happened. So i thought,
‘Uuuugh! i can never say anything to him cause he’s older than me!’.
And once he told me he would give me a massage and started squeezing the back of my neck, and that got tigher and tigher! He was smiling at then too! At the end i wat getting upset but he didn’t stop it. He was doing it even harder and said,
‘This will relax your muscles.’
When i was sitting down at the rehearsal room during the break, he head locked me. He hit me once and left the room so i looked at him with a serious face for a second. J-Hope, the timid, came to the room only after three seconds and gave me some mischievous hugs and said,
‘Jimin! Are you upset at me? Are you?? You are not! Aren’t you??’
Chuckling hard, he left room after 10 seconds. What should i do with him?”
77. J-Hope Greetings, “Hi!! I’m your hope, konichiwa BTS no J-Hope desu, nihao wo shi J-hope.” [J-Hope write his profile]
78. Have you ever seen another member doing something extremely cheesy for the fans that made you cringe? (All member choose J-Hope) [Arirang Pops In Seoul Ep 2724]
- Rap Monster, “There’s something he always says whenever we make a comeback or wrap up our promotion. He says that we got to make a comeback or successfull complete the promotion, thanks to the love shown by our fans.”
- Suga, “I’m not good at expressing how i feel with words.But Jimin and J-Hope are good at expressing themselves.I envy them for that.”
- Jungkook, “Me neither!”
79. Confession Camera [MNET America Go!BTS]
# J-Hope to Rap Monster
Rap Monster : What?
J-Hope : I apologize for your existence. Just kidding.I have one thing to apologize for.
Rap Monster : Just one??
J-Hope : Sorry, i always tease you about your snoring. I’m sorry man.
Rap Monster : It’s okay, i have many things to apologize for, too.
80. V and J-Hope did Self PR Time mission at M!Countdown Begins (140918). They sing and dance to the slow version of your part in their song of ‘Danger’. But V did a funny one like a roar of lion in the Metro Goldwyin Mayer trade mark. In the end, V said ‘Bye’ with a weirdest expression.
81. J-Hope, “Looking back at my audition, i got more matured and refined. I’ve improved in music too.” [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
82. J-Hope’s dream as an artist is he wants to be on various TV Shows. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
83. Happines for J-Hope is if he doesn’t care about the standards, and think he’s happy then he’s happy. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]
84. Name 3 requirements for J-Hope happiness is Family, Health, and Love. [SKOOL LUV AFFAIR KEYWORD TALK]

1. Jimin real name is   Park Jimin

2. Jimin Favorite number is 3

3. Jimin favorite Color is Light Blue, black

4. Jimin Blood Type is A

5. Jimin’s Family is Dad, mom, younger brother.

6. His birthday is 13 October 1995.

7. Jimin Fanboy of Bigbang especially Taeyang.

8. Jimin moved to Busan High School of Arts in the modern dance department and came here after his dance teacher suggested to audition for an entertainment company.

Jimin, “I entered an art school in Busan! But since I became a trainee I had lessons till dawn and I slept during classes (laughs).”

9. Jimin Ideal type –> “I really like nice and cute girls. Must be smaller than me, cute and charming girl.”

10. Jimin always feel really sorry for kicking so hard other members during ‘No More Dream’ performance

11. Jimin practices whenever he has free time and he has an addiction to practicing. He sleeps three hours a day, he practices so much

12. Jimin likes If the weather is sunny and cool, wearing earphones while listening to music that gives a good feeling

13. J-Hope, Jimin, and Jungkook would often take lead and practice at midnight or sometimes even 1 or 2 am, practicing for two hours each time.

14. Jimin danced popping since 8th grade and gained interest in this kind of career after watching Rain performances.

15. Jin said Jimin body was really good when he first met him.

16. Once he write lyrics and gave it to Suga. So Suga said, “You called these lyrics?!” (lyrics sound like children song). Suga told him to bring another lyrics that actually for their song. But, finally, Suga couldn’t use Jimin’s Lyrics.

17. Jimin has a lot of  knowledge about skin care.

18. His hometown is Busan.

19. Jimin role model is Rain, Taeyang from Bigbang and Chris Brown.

20. Jimin has a lot of dream. He even wanted to be mechanized human from Galaxy Express 999.

21. Jimin motto —> “Let’s become cool or handsome. Want to become a cool person outside and inside.”

22. Jimin express the color of BTS is Gold.

23. Jimin generally solve his problem him self. If he can’t solve it, he will share with V.

24. If Jimin had a lover, he wants to give her everything. Firstly he want to hold her hands.

25. If he got a super power, he wants to talk with dog and animals.

26. All member said, Jimin is a nice member than the others.

27. Jungkook always teasing Jimin about his height.

28. Jimin resolution —> “My aim is frankly to be the first. This has many meanings but i want to get the first place in music program and i also want to get really important award at some award ceremony.”

29. Jimin nickname is Park Jiminie (Suga said that), Dolly.

30. Jimin favourite food is meat (pork, beef, duck, chicken), fruits, stew kimchi jjigae.

31. Jimin ideal type is a nice and cute girl, must be smaller than him.

32. Jimin habbit is dancing or moving along to the  music no matter where the location.

33. In 10 years, Jimin wants to be a cool singer who enjoys the stage.

34. Favourite items is New era (snapbacks), bandanas.

35. When Hallowen, Jimin wants to wear a Dinosaur custom.

36. Q) Jimin and V got accepted into Big Hit after auditioning; do you remember what your auditions were like?

- Jimin, ” Of course. It was my first- ever audition so my hands were shaking a lot when I opened the door. I also remember that my voice shook a lot while singing. But because I started dancing at a young age, I danced very confidently.”

37. Q) If you had a compare Jimin to non human, what would they be?

- Jungkook, “Rhinoceros.”

- Jimin, “A Squirrel.”

- V, “Jeju’s dol hareubang (Stone Statue)”

- J-Hope, “A Muscled Kid. And may also look like a dog? He looks really cute and he also has another side of him where he doesn’t listen to people.”

- Rap Monster, “Geodude (One of Character in Pokemon).”

38. Jin, “On a very tiring day, roomate Jimin fell off from his bed with a loud thudding sound. Both Jimin and i were very embarrased.”

39. In the dorm, Jimin in charge of the kitchen.

38. V said, Jimin is the member of Bangtan who seems like he’d have a girlfriend older than him.

39. His nickname is Ddochi because since middle school, his friends said he looked like a puppy so they called him that.

40. His image before debut is he wanted to be a singer since middle school. He planned his future and told his parents about it and they happily approved.

41.For Jimin, Bangtan is another family that allowed him to reach his longtime dream.

42. For Jimin, his charms aren’t actually his charm, but his eyes is charm.

43. Things he want to steal from other members is Rap Monster’s height, V’s talent and gaze, J-Hope’s cleanliness, Suga’s diverse knowledge.

44. In 10 years he wants to a satisfied and pubicly recognized musician.

45. Jimin favourite song when karaoke is Taeyang ‘Naman Barabwa’ (Only Look At Me) because in the past he has one sided love.

46. Jimin, “Names like Baby J and Kid were some options but I decided that Jimin was the best and ended up using my real name.”

47.  Jimin  Favorite Song in 2nd mini album Skool Luv Affair is 상남자 (Boy In Luv)

48. Jimin has score 104 times on ‘Jump Rope Challenge MBC Show Campions”.

49. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Sinulation Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

- Jimin : “It’ll be fun with a suit.. Wearing a suit, it because i want to show my coolness. I think it’ll be manly! I’m 19 years old (Laugh)” ※Shooting at that time, 19 years old

50. Q) Do you have any expression that hard to try to shoot? Please explain it. [Kstar Wonderland]

- Jimin : “I have two, it such as good smile and laugh. Well, first i will look seduce! And the next is laugh expression! Ahahahah.. haha……”

51. Jimin Ideal Date —> “Walking and sitting on the bench, drinking together…… I would like to have such a Countryside Dating. And i wish i could be there to hold her hand. (Laugh)”

52. When J-Hope’s Birthday [140218], he took a selca for J-Hope greetings birthday to share on Twitter. He spent 10 minutes and skip his dinner to took a selca like J-Hope’s expression. He said it was really difficult just for 1 selca.

53. Jungkook imagined When God Made Jimin?

- Jungkook : “One spoon of small eyes, one spoon of abs, a guy it’s his thighs now, thighs.. “

54. Jimin being an Invisible Man  for ‘One Day Show Champion Mission’ and other members seems really enjoy to tease him. And other members choose Jimin to be a winner because Jimin really good in being invisible and it part of his life. -Show Champion 140416-

55. If get a day off, Jimin jokingly wants to go on a date with Jungkook with holding hands together. And when Jungkook says about his wants, Jimin shouted, “Live happily together with me!” (LOL!!) -MCD Backstage 140425-

56. Jimin did mistake often at Random Dance Weekly Idol.

57. Jimin said fans keep asking him and curious about his abs, but actually, a lot of it has disappeared because BTS don’t have a lot of time to exercise during promotions, but when the schedules end, even if it’s late, he trying exercise everyday. And he has started working out again with the maknae.

58. For Jimin, eyeliner is his life. When Jimin dancing in the practice room without eyeliner, he can’t seem to show strong expressions and he will get shy and can’t do hip-hop dances.

- Jimin, “But really, how do you put on eyeliner? I’ve watched the make-up noonas do it many times, but I definitely can’t do it myself.”

59. Jimin thinks most people like Iron Man, so his favorite  from the Avengers is Hulk.

60. Jimin feels hurts a bit when Jungkook ranks him in the last in terms of looks. He thinks the 1st is Jin while the 7th is Suga. He was going to rank Rap Monster as the 7th but decided to got better-looking these days, so he chose Suga.

61. Jimin said people seem to think of him as a childlike person with a lot of aegyo, but he isn’t sure if he have a lot of aegyo. I think He just a kid that wants to looks cool, but he admit that he is childlike.

62. Jimin said when everyone sees their own image (in girls’ clothes), they feel embarrassed. But actually, he think, if  he dress as a girl, he’s pretty.

- Jimin, “At my school festival, I wore a female hanbok and got first place.”

63. Jimin is a bit more interested in his earrings than thinking about changing his hair color or style. If his piercing heals, Jimin would like to challenge again. He doesn’t want a lot of piercings like Suga, but he’d like 4 total on his ears.

64. Jin choose Jimin as the member who has changed the most since debut passed.

Q: Not too long ago, your 300 days since debut passed. In the meantime, if there’s something that has changed the most? (IZE MAGAZINE)

- Jin, “When comparing the members’ images before debut and their images now, it seems like something has changed about their face. Because of the camera massage, everyone has become a bit more polished, except for one person who remains the same and thus surprises me. That one person is … Jimin. He was the most handsome during debut, and he has held onto that image until now.”

- Rap Monster, “Then, does this mean Jimin is not handsome?”  (laughs)

- Jin, “No, it’s not that, but the others have changed a lot.”

- Jimin, “Don’t try to save the situation!” (laughs)

65. Jimin Greeting, ”Hello. I’m Jimin.” (Profile written by Jimin)

66. In charge of : Dance, vocals. (Profile written by Jimin)

67. Favorite Nickname : Meotjaengi (T/N: someone who’s cool) (Profile written by Jimin)

68. Specialty: Eye smile (Profile written by Jimin)

69. Hobby : Getting beat up.  (Profile written by Jimin)

70. Habits : Being attached to Jeonggukkie. (Profile written by Jimin)

71. Motto : Let’s keep trying till we can’t do it any more. (Profile written by Jimin)

72. Charm point : “Eye smile, just me in general, my lower body” (Profile written by Jimin)

73. Things he like (3 things) : Jeonggukkie, performing, receiving attention. (Profile written by Jimin)

74. Things he dislike (3 things) : V, Jin, Suga. (Profile written by Jimin)

75. His biggest recent interest : Movies, clothes, exercise. (Profile written by Jimin)

76. The member who’s most similar to him: Rap Monster, J-Hope (There’s something that matches in personalities with these two -> Rap Monster : ‘Although our personalities are similar, we have a lot of similar tastes.’// J-Hope : ‘His bright personality and loudness is similar’.) (Profile written by Jimin)

77. He is the best at at least this : Greed in becoming center. (Profile written by Jimin)

78. He will at least try to put an effort in this : “I’ll work hard in everything I’m working on and will be working on in the future.” (Profile written by Jimin)

79. His life’s best was : My life’s best movie was ‘Always’. (I was really touched.) (Profile written by Jimin)

80. A song he want to recommend to you : Tori Kelly – ‘Paper Hearts’ (Profile written by Jimin)

81. What you think about when you can’t sleep : “Why don’t I know how to sleep, when I’ll sleep, and why I sleep?” (Profile written by Jimin)

82. His representative pictures and videos : ’Just One Day’ MV at 1 minute 23 seconds. (Profile written by Jimin)

83. The ranking in BTS that he write : Rap monster – “Jimin” – Jungkook – Jin – SUGA – J-hope – V (Profile written by Jimin)

84. He think he looks ranks (100) out of 100: No one say anything bad… (Profile written by Jimin)

85. The place he have the most confidence in on your body? : His eyes. (Profile written by Jimin)

86. Let’s praise yourself  : “You’ve become really shameless. Let’s continue to become a bit more shameless.” (Profile written by Jimin)

87. His goal : Let’s become a cool guy. (Profile written by Jimin)

88. His personality as viewed by other members.

- Jimin to himself : ” He’s timid ㅋㅋㅋ Has a personality where he hates losing. Has a bright personality and likes to smile. Feels competitive with the members and is the type to complain a lot about himself. There are times where he loses his temper and really likes cute things.”

- Jin, “Comes at you really cutely. It’s like being attacked by a puppy. Can’t refuse requests because he’s too nice.”

- Rap Monster, “Basically kind and gentle. Is very considerate. Isn’t as timid as you would think. Likes clothes and style (same with me). But even though he responds well, there are many times where he doesn’t actually do it. Is quite stubborn. Is the effort-type.”

- Suga, “Follows the hyungs’ words well, isn’t the personality where he’ll receive dislike somewhere, puts in effort to live his hardest”

- J-Hope, who is the best looking in the universe <— (J-Hope wrote this) : “Is kind, listens to his hyungs well, has a lot of greed, and has a personality where he makes sure to do his part, and he has a really good personality where he likes me the most and his faith towards me is very strong~~ ♥♥♥♥”

- Jeongguk, “He’s the effort-type along with being a triple blood-type A, timid, shameless, and hates losing.”

- V, “Cute. Only the amount of him losing his temper is excessive, he’s kind and a friend that’s trustworthy. I talk to him the most, and if I have any worries, he’s the friend that I tell it first to.”

89. Message from other members to Jimin. (BTS FESTA RADIO 1ST ANNIVERSARY)

- Suga, “Why did our grow plates close too early?”

- V, “Don’t touch thighs, u pervert!” (he means at rookie king)

90. Jimin’s team goal, “To be better, to get No.1 and become more closer to each other.” (Profile written by Jimin)

91. Jimin’s words to BTS, “I love you. I believe in you.” (Profile written by Jimin)

92. About Pre-debut

- Dance teacher order to let Jimin show his abs for No More Dream choreo, so Jimin’s face was depression and anxiety. He talked about it to Rap Mon that he hated to show his abs. But when 1st perform on the stage, people started talking about Jimin a lot,

“Who’s that guy with the nice abs??”

As the audience reacted more passionately at his performance , Jimin began to change, he wasn’t embarrassed anymore, he enjoying it and he said, “Hey, J-Hope! DON’T YOU THINK I’M HOT?”

1. Jin real name is Kim Seok Jin

2. Jin Favorite Number is 4

3. Jin Loves Cooking

4. Jin Favorite Color is Pink

5. Jin wants to be called ‘Jin Hime‘ (Princess Jin) by Japanese fans

6. Jin Favorite Weather is Spring sunlight

7. Jin Blood Type is O

8. His birthday is 4 December 1992.

9. Jin Habit is blinking his left eye when hungry.

10. Jin loves Eating

11.  Jin also enjoy looking at photographs and recipes

12.  Jin started Super Mario when he was five years old and Maple Story in seven grade and still faithfully play them. He think Super Mario characters and the monsters in Maple Story are extremely cute

13. When Jin made seaweed soup for J-Hope and it tasted really good, it made J-Hope speechless because he think it tasted like his mom’s

14. Jin can speaks a bit of chinesse.

15. Jin is friends with Kidoh (Jin Hyosang) of ToppDogg. Kidoh left Bangtan in 2012 on good terms.

16. Jin made a big mistake during their first performance at M!Countdown. His pants went down all the way to his thighs.

17. Jin favorite items —> Maple Story action figures, Super Mario action figures, Nintendo games.

18. Jin and Jimin always go to the Gym together.

19. Jin and Rap Monster is Black hole in dance.

20. Jin wins stare quiz.

21. Q) Wasn’t it hard for a student majoring in acting to practice [to be an idol]?

- Jin, “At first it was really hard but there were lots of kids who helped me and treated me really well. They helped me a lot and said things like “Try listening to this song.”, “Try doing it this way.” and so training became easier.”

- Suga, “He’s a hyung who had a considerable amount of interest in hip-hop [before becoming a trainee], so it wasn’t that hard.”

22. Jin, “I’m in charge of the kitchen. When we come back from grocery shopping, the members just dump the stuff we bought anywhere and don’t put it in the fridge. So I put in all the food in the fridge and throw out old food. (laughs)

- Suga, “He’s a family man. He’s an ideal husband! (laughs)”

23. Jin is the member who usually clean up the dorm.

24. Jin love healthy products.

25. Jin likes doing aegyo.

26. Jin wears really strong prescription glasses but he doesn’t like wearing them because he’ll become insecure.

27. Jin choose V as the member that he closest to.

28. Jin take care of his appearance the most.

29. Jin ideal type is good wife, good at cooking and nice.

30. Jin nick names is Jin princess, Pink Princess.

31. His family is Parents, and Older brother.

32. Favourite food is Lobster, meat, Naengmyun (cold noodles), chicken, greasy food.

33. V describe Jin like Hidetoshi from Doraemon.

34. His role model is T.O.P from Bigbang.

35. In 10 years, Jin wants to be sergeant Kim Seokjin and succeed in Bangtan, he wants Jin’s mothers watching him on TV.

36. Jin’s Resolution in 2014 is wants to try getting muscle/abs. He think it’ll be good to try it once. He thoughs that if he get them it’ll be good.

37. When Jin went to the practice room and spotted a new friend ( V ). V suddenly came over to Jin and started dancing while rubbing V body on Jin. But with his flat face, he just said, “You, go dance in the front over there” to V.

38. Q) If you had a compare Jin to non human, what would they be?

- Jungkook, “Wolf. Jin-hyung looks manly and he’s chic like a wolf but personality-wise, he’s carefree so he’s sloth-like (laughs). He’s really nice and he’s also a good cook, so we call him “granny” between us.”

- Jimin, “Grandma.”

- Suga, “A Wolf.”

 – V, “Prince.”

- J-Hope, “A Princess.”

39. His image before debute is the cute maknae who always listened to his parents.

40. For Jin, his charms is his full bottom lip. The back of his head is round.

41. He wants to steal Jimin’s abs.

42. Jin always happy when someone tell him handsome. It’s also like hearing that he is cute.

43. Jin waking up 2 hours earlier than other members.

44. Jin favourite song when karaoke is 2AM ‘Inorae’.

45. Suga, “Hope-y and I were awake together but we were tired so we were about to sleep when Jin hyung started singing “좋아
요” (Like). (laughs) I thought we must practice really hard [for him to even sing in his sleep]. Turns out, it was just him talking in his sleep. After that I thought, “Ah. That hyung practices even in his sleep. Of course.””

46. Jin Favorite Song in 2nd Mini Album Skool Luv Affair is 하루만 ( Just One Day) because he think that song fits for his voice.

47. Jin  said  it’s really difficult for Comeback 2nd Mini Album Skool Luv Affair. He needs diet & practicing chreography really hard.

48. Jin,  “I also have a dorky side but I listened well in class, I also ate well and when it ended I went straight to home. I was the so-called mediocre student.”

49. Q) Which outfit concept do u like in the Simulation Love Game? [Kstar Wonderland]

Jin : I don’t know because all of them isn’t doing yet, but i’ll consider what it feels fun from now on. Rock band is fun the most.

50. Q) Do you have any expression that hard to try to shoot? Please explain it. [Kstar Wonderland]

Jin : It’s different from each other. It’s like embarrassed expression while embarassed moment, Like glad expression while happy moment, i’ll work hard. But i like a little smile the most.

51. Jin, “If it’s possible, I want to go to a quiet place like a small country. I want to try walking along the pathways. I also want to watch movies, i want it.”

52. Jin Have a dog . The dog name is JJanggu.

53. Jin Have Driver Lisenced .

54. Jin will hit if there’s the member who destroy his beloved toys accidentally and keeps it as a secret. (Yinyuentai Interview 140104)

55. V imagined When God Made Jin?

V : “Shoulders 50 cup,mustache 48 cups, confidence in his face 58425628492292 cups!”

56. Jin about Valentine Day along time ago, “For Valentine’s Day, i made chocolate for my mother. I melted a bunch of Chocolate together. But i burnt them all she was really angry.” -Mnet Jjang #63-

57. Jin never got present at Valentine’s Day.

58. Jin very picky towards Coffee Flavour, he loves Blueberry Yoghurt Flavour. -MCD Backstage 140404-

59. Jin being a Slave for ‘One Day Show Champion Mission’. -Show Champion 140416-

60. If get a day off, Jin wants to have a servant. And he wants to order Suga around to be his servant.

61. Jin really can’t watch horror movies. When he once bravely decided to watch a horror movie during his first year in college, without knowing it, he ended up clinging on to one of them.

62. Jin wants his firstborn child to be a daughter, second to be a son. He wants to make a noona for his son. Jin wants his son to have a noona because a noona would give him pocket money. He said that his hyung always took his money.

63. Jin said as a college student, he does take  a test. On Sunday, he studied for a class called ‘Law and a Legal Mind’ for eight hours  but couldn’t understand anything.

64. Jin thought of a restaurant he want to visit. He want to ask his mom to eat there [with him]. Because he think life is about food.

65. Jin really likes strawberries, but he doesn’t like strawberry flavored things. And he doesn’t like chocolate, he likes chocolate flavored things.

66. When Jin cooks and give it to the members, Suga’s comments are the most detailed. He isn’t hurt by them though. He satisfied with what he make.

67. Jin said, looking at bugs isn’t scary, but if they get on his body, it’s really scary.

68. Interviewer asked Jin if he knew of the Super Mario toy event McDonald’s is having soon since he’s a big fan. Jin knows it starts in June. Jin doesn’t really like hamburgers, he can’t collect the toys himself. So he has asked his friends to help him.

69. For Jimin, Jin places as 1st in looks rankings.

70. When Jin was younger, he wants to be a detective.

71. Dance Teacher Message, “Sigh..” (about his dance skill) [BTS FESTA RADIO]

-He was born in Daegu

- His shoe size (U.S. conversion) is an 8

- He has one younger sister and one younger brother

- In charge of regional dialects

- His favorite colors are black, green and white

- Was chosen by RapMon as the member who would be the least talented when it comes to dating, mostly because “he thinks of unconventional things to do on a date that typically a normal person wouldn’t think of”

- Has once stated that Suga accidentally hurt his feelings once when he jokingly made fun of his smile

- His astrological zodiac is the capricorn

- He lived in Kojang and Daegu before moving to Seoul

- He enjoys sunny weather the best

- Has received a lot of love confessions through SNS, but has openly admitted to never receiving one in person, face-to-face

- His favorite number is 10

- The name V was given to him by Bang Si Hyuk PD, and was originally confused on how to pronounce it (either “Veu-i” or “Vwee”)

- His favorite animal is the lion

- His favorite foods are japchae (Korean glass noodles with vegetables and meat) and any kind of meat

- He likes collecting big, oversized dolls

- Anything that is unique to him is something that he likes

- Used to play the saxophone when he was younger

- Has a strange affinity for bubbles

- Was chosen by all other six members to have the worst sleeping habits because he will kick and scream if he’s sleeping uncomfortably, and will demand his members to get him a glass of water before sleeping (therefore he is labeled as “Diva V” by his members )

- He likes clothes, shoes, and accessories

- His idea type is someone who becomes more charming each and every day, takes care of only him,  loves him for him, and appears as sophisticated and chic to the public, but on the inside is soft, warm-hearted, has a lot of aegyo, and will make him hot chocolate

- He has a habit of biting his nails, opening his mouth subconsciously, touching anything that’s cute, and saying these phrase often: “Mom” and “It hurts!”

- If given one word to describe himself, he chooses “monkey”, because when he was younger a chimpanzee spit on him at the zoo and ever since then, all of his friends have been saying that he was the chimpanzee’s enemy

- His role model is his dad, because he takes good care of his children and gets scolded by his wife a lot

- In ten years he wants to be taking his future children (of which he’ll name them Taekwon and Taegeuk) to the zoo to feed the pigeons shrimp crackers. He also wants to be a cool dad with good fashion sense

- He was born in Busan

- His favorite foods are bread, pizza, or basically anything with flour and a lot of carbs

- His shoe size (U.S. conversion) is 7.5

- He has one older brother

- His favorite colors are red, black and white

- His favorite things are shoes and makeup

- Would date Jin if he were a girl

- He has a weird habit where he sniffles a lot because of his rhinitis. He also wriggles his fingers a lot

- He describes himself as the Golden Maknae AKA GoldMak

- His role model is G-Dragon

- In ten years he wants to be the owner of a duck meat restaurant or a tattoo artist

- He likes the number 1

- His ideal type is someone who’s at least 168 cm but still smaller than him, would be a good wife, is good at cooking, is smart, has pretty legs, and is nice

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